If (when) They Find Out

Every civilization, from first world superpowers to the lowest isolated tribe, every single person among them, in some manner realize the need for God within themselves. They recognize that they have a need that they alone cannot supply, and seek pardon for sins, sometimes in the most horrible ways.

A missionary by the name of Ernest Gambrel, several decades ago preached a sermon I witnessed called "If They Ever Find Out". In this sermon he related a horrible scene when making first contact with an isolated tribe of natives, being led there and introduced by other tribes who had been contacted earlier.

This tribe worshiped the snake god, and one day while there he witnessed a toddler captured by a boa constrictor, he tried to run to the snake and free the child, only to be stopped by the people who introduced him to that tribe.

They said to him, they will kill you instantly if you try to save the child.

The people of the village gathered around and watched as the screaming child was crushed and eaten. The Missionary said the people, including the parents of the child, rejoiced, believing that the snake god had received the necessary sacrifice and the sins of the tribe were forgiven for that year.

If they ever find out that all along we had the answer to their need, fulfilled in Christ, and they will find out at the Great White Throne; how are they going to view us then?

'When' They Find Out.

~ Tony Pritchard